Cracking the secrets to attracting investment for upcycled F&B products in Japan.
Meet the company crafting the tech that will transform upcycling in Japan.
Which upcycled products are hiding on Japanese store shelves?
Gain the freshest insights into what real Japanese consumers think about upcycled foods and drinks.
Discover the pioneers shaping Japan's upcycled F&B market.
Only 10% of people are familiar with upcycled food products! Today we unpack this mysterious market which has the potential to change the world of F&B.
Why and where food gets wasted in Japan, and what's being done about it.
Reflecting on year one, a thank you to our readers, our top posts to date, and much more in this anniversary edition!
MUJI and MOG BUG share their secrets to building bug-based businesses in Japan.
Exclusive interview with the world's leading insect protein manufacturer.
Exclusive interview with pioneering insect-based startup FUTURENAUT is crawling with insights about what it takes to build an edible insect business in Japan.
From vending machines to big retailers: a surprising tour of Japan's outlets and the insect products that they sell.